Professional Rug Cleaning in Norman, Oklahoma

Professional Rug Cleaning in Norman, Oklahoma

Here is a special message for you Oriental rug owners in Norman, Oklahoma. You may own Oriental area rugs that are woven with excellent wool fibers. Your rugs need special care to help them maintain their value and beautiful appearance. The first thing you need to know is that wool rugs are amazing. They can hold up to eight pounds of sand per square yard and still look clean. So getting the dry soil out of them is very important. One tip is to flip the rug upside down and vacuum the back slowly then flip it and vacuum the top side. Many times you will be amazed when you pick the rug up there may be a lot of sand on the floor. This happens when vacuuming the back it helps to vibrate the deep down sand out. If your rug is small enough and you happen to have a rug beater like they used many years ago you could take the rug out and hang it for a good beating. Even though this may seem like a crazy idea it actually works well and is very effective and it exercises your body in ways that you may not be used to. Once in a while depending on the amount of traffic, you should have them professionally serviced once every year to 3 years. You should call the professionals at J&J Floor Care, Inc., in Norman, Oklahoma to pick up your rugs to be thoroughly washed and dried. It is important to not just trust any carpet cleaner with your rugs in Norman, Oklahoma and you should never ask anyone to clean your wool rugs in your home. Wool rugs hold 30% moisture and feel dry to the touch if they do not dry properly. It could cause them to deteriorate or rot. So, In Norman, Oklahoma trust J&J Floor Care, Inc., to service your precious rugs.